Thursday, June 08, 2006

Regarding Henry - Q and A - Fan appreciation

Henry here,
Since the inception of my site I have been flooded with fan mail. I thought it only fitting that I take a moment to respond and answer any questions you might have. So let's jump right in, I'm a busy guy and don't have a lot of time to waste on this.

Question:I am loving the pictures! For the first time, Henry looks like he is really growing.

Henry: Thank you, I feel a little wiser everyday. Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of work. I try to eat right, exercise and keep a positive attitude as much as possible. To be honest, I've never felt stronger.

Question: Dear Henry, You get cuter every day and you must think your parents are pretty dumb (lucky that you are as smart as you are) to be breaking your plastic bottles. Just tell them you think you would be safer with me and hop on a plane and come on out to Castle Rock!

Henry: Finally, someone who's on the same page. Let me tell you, I am so outta here. The staff has the competence level of a fish on a bicycle. As soon as I can find the corporate credit card I'll track you down. Those plastic bottles had value. My Publicist thinks it's funny but I had a reason for having them around. It's coming out of his paycheck, that's forsure. May sound cruel but it's how I roll. Thanks for the cute comment, you sound cute too. Shoot me digits, out.

Question: I must say, these updates put the biggest smile on my face.

Henry: What can I say, I'm just that good. I think it's my ability to remain humble that keeps everything so fresh.

Question: How can I get on that blog?

Henry: I direct all questions along this line of discussion to my staff. Feel free to contact them directly.

Question: Henry, keep up the good work! Sounds like you have a great agent!

Henry: She is a keeper. I'm too hard on her. I think I'll give her a raise. Thanks for the reminder that this is a team effort.

Question: I hope you are doing well – it sure sounds like you are thriving. It is amazing the energy that children breed and drain in us all at the same time!

Henry: Thanks, I feel like thriving is an valid adjective. Unfortunately I don't have any children so I have no idea what your talking about. Talk to me in thirty years.

Question: Sure loved the mouth-open smile pictures of Henry! Tell Jean, "belated Happy Mother's Day" Glad you and Henry made a big deal out of it!

Henry: Done and Done.

Question: Please note I will be conducting summer staff training from May 17-19.
I will be checking e-mail seldomly during this time. Thank you for your patience at this time.

Henry: What? Who's screening these things?

Question: Thanks for keeping us posted on star Henry's progress! Three event and growth filled months already, wow! Congratulations to all three of you.

Henry: Yeah, feels like a life time. I could tell you some stories about back in the day.

Question: Henry, cannot say it often are a really handsome

Henry: Did you fall asleep in the middle there? You might want to have that looked at.

Question: dude... you up too?

Henry: To be up or down is to accept a mental state that I do not believe exsists in reality. There are only situations requiring decisions and action, never problems.

Question: I'm surprised you guys didn't name Henry Skywalker.

Henry: Wasn't my call. But there is a direct a link to my name and a fictional character that I feel is a touch cooler. Some know, it's not hard to figure out. (hint: it's the man in the hat)

Question: Your boy Henry is getting around. There's a multitude of pics of him being loved by random women on his blogspot. He's the Sean Connery of babies.

Henry: Great question. Yes, I would say that your observation is right on the money. My attitude has always been "you can't win if you don't play" and let me tell you, I play to win. Is it bragging if you can back it up? Not in my eyes. Sean Connery? I'll take that, just remember I'm about 122 years younger than Sir Connery so I see that as an advantage. I could take him.

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