Hello World, Remember me?
If you don't, that's ok. I've been what you might call In-Cog-Need-Toe. I'd like to say what I have been doing is awesomely exciting, and well, be honest, I can. Where have I been you may ask? Living is the answer. Perhaps not exactly a grammatically correct answer in the aspect that your question is requesting geographical reference and I gave you a verb. At least I think it's a verb, perhaps an an adverb, cut me some slack, I only go to school two days and it has the word "pre" in the name. What were we talking about?
I swim, I surf, I perform experiments that mythbusters says not to. I laugh, I eat, no scratch that last one, I don't eat. I dine. I create contraptions that allow objects by themselves. I pretend. I act. I react. I preact and postact. I move mountains and create perspective when before there was none. I draw. I write. I paint. I create things my Publicist and Manager have never scene. I wrestle Wooly Mammoths. But I never, ever spell check.
I am therefore I do.
No big promises here, Four years of pure experience has taught me that promises should be left to moments where it really counts but I'll be around. I'm always around and I'll let you know what word is as often as I can.
I promise.
H-Bomb out.
But you will be hearing from me again.
1 comment:
He looks so grown up in a tuxedo!
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