Hello, Perhaps you have forgotten about me. So allow me to re-introduce myself. My name is Henry. For those who have not forgotten, allow me to say, thank you.
Now that we have gotten the pleasantries out of the way, let's get down to buisness. Mainly the buisness of why has this blog been so silent for so long. In all honesty I have no idea. I was under the impression that it was being updated daily. In fact, I actually thought it was real time. With all the publicity stills being taken around here I was starting to get paranoid. Is it really necessary to take a picture every time I eat something I haven't eaten before? Must a camera flash with every new shirt? My eyes melted out of my head the other day from flash bulbs. I got better but it was a gooie mess for a little while. Ok, that's not true and I just got a time out for exageratting the truth so I'm sorry that I said my eyes melted out of my face when they didn't. I won't do that again.
Once I learned that such a long period of time had passed since we last spoke I started to become very nervous. All of a sudden there is all this pressure on me to come back with a bang like some kind of Summer sequel blockbuster. It's enough to make your system shut down and curl up with a binky and watch Cars and eat a cookie and not want to write. My God cookies sound good right now, something with chocolate in it, maybe M&M's. I could tear through a bag of M&M's right now. I need a car. If I had a car I'd by a ton of M&M's and use them to fill up a swimming pool and build a McDonalds around it and make it one of those cool playgrounds in McDonalds. I can't reach the pedals in a car so that's not going to happen. I have been eyeing some bycicles lately. That could be cool, a bike, maybe with the cards in the spokes so it sounds like Lightning McQueen. Cachow Cachow.
So here I am, stressing myself to the point of blockage when a very good friend used the phrase "whisper to a roar." Which made absolutely no sense until it was laid out to me. The point is not to pressure yourself. Just talk. Just say Hi, how ya doin?
Kind of like Andy Roony on that hour show where he talks for 60 seconds at the end but without all the complaining.
And that's the point of this here episode in the life and times of me. Alot is going on. Alot has gone on and alot will continue to go on. Some of it news worthy, some of it fairly mundane. The point is that I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me.
I'm reminded of the great words of Lighting McQueen when he said. "It's just an empty cup." Even though we all know it's a whole lot more. It's actually a symbol of how greatness comes not from large acts of ego but small acts of friendship. And that's all I'm trying to say here. That, and thunder always comes after lighting.
CaChow CaChow.
I invite and encourage you to take a look at the new segment stationed directly to the right of this column. It's filled with little out takes of life in general. Some are old, some are new. It will be constantly updated so feel free to check them out at your leisure.
I think for now I will leave it at that. I'll get back to the day to day rantings of why I have to sit in a seat on someone else's bike and not my own on another day. Topics such as why playdough is not a healthy snack can wait.
I will leave you with this bit of ponder. In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indy told his friend Sala to get horses, not camels. Upon his Sala's return, Indy, to his dismay realized that his friend had brought back some camels. Rightly so, Indy asks, "Sala, I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?" If I were Sala, I would have said, "Yes, I can count. I can count to twelve."
Smile, the sun bleaches your teeth making you more attractive to potential suiters.
Henry - out.
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