Friday, October 06, 2006

Awesome is now a verb

Everything is awesome. Take a look around, it is, admit it. But what if I'm doing something that is awesome but don't have the time to descibe that awesome event? Good question, and lucky for you I have the perfect answer. I firmly believe that you need to learn the rules so you can break them, like space and time and grammer. I know that in the English language there are these things called verbs. Some words are them, some are not. Awesome is not a verb. I know this, it's a rule. I think we can all agree that criteria 1 has just been met, so check this out, BAM! I just broke the rules and turned awesome into a verb. So from now on when you ask what I'm up to you'll get this:
"I'm awesoming" or "I just totally awesomed" and "I awesome therefore I am awesome"
Feel free to use it. (patent pending)

Henry LGT

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